At the helm of the Board and China Academy of Art, the China Academy of Art Education Foundation is committed to strengthening exchanges and collaboration between the Academy and all sectors of society at home and abroad, soliciting and managing funds donated from the Academy alumni and donors across all walks of life, bringing together all parties interested in bettering the academy, and supporting the Academy as it pursues excellence and benefits the world by nurturing talents, advancing art research, and providing services to the society.
In recent years, the Foundation has been dedicated to the overarching objective of "advancing the Academy's strategic policies, promoting art-science integration, and accelerating the Academy's progress in building a world-class college". By setting up scholarships and various funds and grants for teachers, chair professors, innovative startups, academic research, and infrastructure construction, the Foundation provides a steady stream of funding for the Academy's development in various fields and has been instrumental in driving the Academy's growth.
Every year, the Foundation offers numerous scholarships, bursaries, and grants that support the development of the Academy. In 2022, the Foundation dispensed RMB1.455 million to 172 beneficiaries. Every year, it funds over twenty pedagogical research and academic development projects across various academic disciplines. The funds collected have been funneled into various projects that helped create a favorable environment for the teaching, learning, and research of the Academy's teaching staff and students. projects including the Ancient Tianmu Kiln (Yaobian) Technology R&D Center, China Bird-and-Flower Painting Research Center, Golden Years: Contemporary International Jewelry and Metal Art Triennial, Curatorial Training Program, Beautiful China: The Building of Future Villages with Artistic Endeavor, Immersive Audiovisual Studies, Elderly-Friendly Product Design, Research on Industrial Diversification and Urban Renewal Strategies, Hangzhou Triennial of Fiber Art, Tea Culture Research Institute, Research on Strategies to Vitalize Cultural Heritage, Academic Competitions, as well as Communal Aesthetic Education Charity Platforms.
Committed to the values of "compliance, transparency, efficiency, safety, and service," we shoulder theresponsibility of managing the funds and all donations. We solemnly promise that donated funds are used in a manner that adheres to our mission and the donors' wishes. All funds will be invested in a safe, prudent manner that guarantees reasonable returns.