China Academy of Art
Wang Chao
Professor, Vice Dean of the School of Painting, CAA

Mr. Wang was born in Shandong Province in 1974. He took the teaching post after graduating from the Department of Printmaking from the School of Painting at CAA in 1998 and received his master's degree in the Department of Printmaking from the School of Painting at CAA in 2007. After a decade, he studied as a doctoral student of CAA under the supervision of Professor Han Likun and received his doctor of arts degree in 2021.

Professional Titles

Director of the First Studio of Department of Printmaking at CAA

Head of Purple Bamboo Studio (Zizhuzhai), Traditional Woodblock Printing Studio

Member and Deputy Secretary General of Printmaking Professional Committee of China National Society for the Promotion of Arts and Culture

Deputy Secretary General of Printmaking Art Committee of China Artists Association