China Academy of Art
Yu Jin
Professor and Master's Supervisor in the Department of Animation at CAA.

Professor Yu studied at Zhejiang University of Technology as an undergraduate, then was selected by the university to study film and television animation at Beijing Film Academy, and received a master's degree in Design from CAA in 2008. She does research in practice and theory of humanistic animation, focusing on the fit between traditional Chinese art and international aesthetics. From 2014-2015, Professor Yu went to the International Joint Creation of Animation program in an exchange program between China and the United States; in 2016 she was sent overseas officially by China as a visiting scholar, and became a resident animation artist at the University of the Arts London, UK. She was invited as the adjudicator and keynote speaker at the international animation film festivals. 

Awards and Prizes

Outstanding Young Teacher in Universities 

Talents in the 1/5/1 Plan in Zhejiang Province

National Women's Red-Banner Pacesetter