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Edited BY:He Jiabei

Artists' works on various ethnic groups serve as tapestries of togetherness


China is a multi-ethnic country where various ethnic groups have, over a long history of interaction, learned from and influenced one another, gradually forming common cultural traditions and lasting memories. This profound integration has facilitated mutual understanding and identity among ethnic groups.


Concurrently, the ethnic groups in China are mutually interdependent in various aspects such as economy, polities and society, forming a closely interconnected community of shared interests. China's ethnic policies encourage mutual support and assistance among ethnic groups, jointly promoting the common progress of all ethnic peoples in the nation.


The establishment of a community with a shared destiny among ethnic groups is one of the crucial pathways to achieving ethnic harmony and realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Artists from the Times' Palette Art Academy Alliance are using their brushes to depict the deep fraternal bonds and intertwined destinies among China's ethnic groups, vividly portraying touching scenes with their exquisite strokes.