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International Graduates and Their Works: Son Seohyeon
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Edited BY:He Jiabei

I am Son Seohyeon from South Korea, a graduate of the Jewelry Art Design program at CAA’s School of Crafts.


My graduation jewelry series is inspired by the "caisson" art of the Dunhuang Mogao Caves, merging this ancient art with modern design. Using delicate silk threads, transparent acrylic, and exquisite metals, the intricate and layered nature of the caisson is recreated through skilled craftsmanship and contemporary artistic techniques. Each piece not only reproduces the traditional patterns of the Mogao Caves but also imbues them with modern aesthetics. Under light, the jewelry casts beautiful patterned shadows, adding a unique visual effect. Through these pieces that blend tradition and modernity, I hope to convey the unique charm of Dunhuang art to a wider audience.


After returning to Korea, I plan to continue creating works of artistic value based on the knowledge and skills I acquired at the China Academy of Art. Additionally, I intend to pursue a graduate degree to achieve higher artistic goals and development.