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Gold Award:Interview the World from School of Painting
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Edited BY:He Jiabei

Zhou Yu, an undergraduate graduate from the School of Painting, showcased his series of watermark prints titled Interview the World at the graduation exhibition. The title itself hints at a quest for the mysteries of the universe and a contemplation of the future. This aim of work is a tribute to the remarkable achievements of Chinas space exploration endeavors, earning him a gold award.


The inspiration for Interview the World stems from Zhous deep admiration for the Golden Age of science fiction literature and its related films. The Golden Age of science fiction coincided with the second and third industrial revolutions, where rapid technological advancements left much of Earth devoid of the imaginative terrain once fertile for science fiction. As a result, people began to look toward outer spacethe mysterious and romantic cosmos. From Asimovs Foundation(1951)” to Clarkes Star(1956)”, from The Day the Earth Stood Still(1951)” to Solaris(1972)”, Golden Age science fiction conveyed a nuanced understanding of technology and provided Zhou with fertile ground for unleashing his imagination.


In the creative process, Interview the World uses intricate watermark techniques to delicately express contemporary youths curiosity and exploratory spirit toward the mysteries of the universe. The work is dominated by blue tones, with rich layers of color creating a deep and tranquil depiction of space. Zhou skillfully utilized the contrasts between the diffusion and smoothness of watermark traces and the transparency and opacity of color blocks, enhancing the visual impact of the work and successfully creating a profound and serene cosmic atmosphere.


Zhou not only preserved the essence of traditional watermark woodcut techniques but also introduced innovative elements. By incorporating the vibrant colors of watercolor into the watermark printmaking process, he explored the expressive potential of water-based materials, expanding the color possibilities of watermark woodcuts. This creative approach not only enriched the expressive forms of watermark prints but also reflected Zhous exploration and contemplation of artistic language.


In both technique and thematic expression, this series exemplifies Zhous deep understanding of artistic creation and his respect for the space exploration endeavors. Through artistic expression, the work seamlessly integrates the grand theme of space exploration with delicate personal emotions, making it one of the most notable highlights of this years graduation exhibition.

Interview the World

Artist: Zhou Yu (School of Painting)

Instructor: Wang Chao, Fang Liming, Cao Xiaoyang, Tong Biao, Cai Chengzhi